Versatile Blogger Award – Thanks!

I’ve been honored by Kourtney at “The Multi-Faceted Experience” with a nomination for the Versatile Blogger Award. Thank you, Kourtney!

Regretfully, I won’t be participating in the nominating portion of the project, however. Only because of the time commitment – finding fifteen blogs, contacting fifteen bloggers, etc. I admire the tenacity of those, like Kourtney, who do participate. It’s no small thing.

Nonetheless, as return for the nomination, I will tell you a few things about myself; and I suppose I should tell you things that I haven’t already revealed in my blog, eh?

  1. When I was little, there were two Great Danes that lived around the corner – Duchess and Gertrude (somebody must’ve had a thing for Hamlet). Man, I loved those dogs. They were as big as I was. Coincidentally, my first dog was a doxie named Shakespeare.
  2. I love the scent of lavender. Real lavender.
  3. When I was younger (in my 20s and especially my 30s), I wore navy and taupe. And olive. A lot. All of my bags and shoes and accessories were in shades of neutral. Then I bought a red briefcase just before tuning 40. Now my Kindle case is red, my wallet is red, my coat is burnt yellow – as is my “classroom bag” for chalk and markers and pens and such, my dayplanner is celery green, and my phone is purple. I don’t know what happened, but I suddenly *liked* color. And I suddenly didn’t feel the need to camouflage myself.
  4. I cook tacos at least once a week.
  5. I’m afraid of clowns. Not just a little. Also mascots and animatronics – anything uncanny. If the energy coming off the thing doesn’t match what my brain and eyes tell me, I freak out. Again, not just a little. I once drove past the Chick Fil A cow with my eyes closed. No one was injured.
  6. I enjoy Experimental / Alternative Metal. I have a soft spot for old-school System of a Down. A newfound old fav is Heathen.
  7. I don’t understand the “big deal” about long stem roses. I love flowers – but somehow a single rose or a bouquet of lanky roses has always seemed a little sterile to me. Crop them and wrap a ribbon around them (better yet, plunge them in a stumpy vase) and I’m much happier – but only if they smell like roses. Have you noticed that roses don’t “smell” anymore?

It’s good to reach out and pat each other on the back now and then. Acknowledgement can make every difference in relationship – be it a cyber-readership or a decade-long camaraderie or a lifelong partnership.  It means a great deal to me that those who read my ramblings enjoy the ride. I hope I remain worthy of your nomination.

Thanks and blessings,



5 comments on “Versatile Blogger Award – Thanks!

  1. Kourtney says:

    You’re very welcome! I love your blog!

  2. Brenda Lee says:

    Congrats on the award! I followed the link from Kourtney’s blog, The Multi-Faceted Experience!

  3. kprob says:

    Hot house roses have no scent. If you want scent, try a Madame Isaac Perreire rose (old Bourbon, 1881). It’s addictive.

    At fifty-something I, too, got a red billfold, etc. Mostly so that I could find it in the dark recesses of my bag.

  4. kprob says:

    Most roses grown in hot houses have no scent. But if you can find one, get an old Bourbon Madame Isaac Perreire–the scent is incredible.

    Oddly enough, I was in my fifties when I switched to a bright red billfold and accoutrements–they were easier to see in the black-lined bag I carry.

  5. […] requirements as I can, I will share 7 things with you (I’ll try not to repeat those I posted in March). I’ll try to also keep them to things I am learning about myself on […]

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